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Store Incharge

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Job Title

Store Incharge

Job Description Summary

Job Description

Experience in overseeing material handling and storage.
Strong coordination skills with suppliers and internal teams.
Proficiency in inventory management and record-keeping.
Ability to track stock levels and resolve discrepancies.
Experience in store and stock management.
Excellent communication and organizational skills.
Oversee the receiving, handling, and storage of materials.
Coordinate with suppliers, check incoming materials, and ensure timely delivery.
Maintain inventory records and track stock levels.
Conduct regular stock counts and reconcile discrepancies.
Coordinate store management and stock management activities.

Oversee the receiving, handling, and storage, coordinating with suppliers, checking incoming materials, ensuring timely delivery, Maintenance of inventory records, tracking stock levels, conducting regular stock counts, and reconciling discrepancies., Coordination, Store Management, Stock Management

INCO: “Cushman & Wakefield”

Store Incharge

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